Volunteers & Course Leaders
U3A Southern Highlands operates completely with the assistance of volunteers. There would be no U3A without our volunteer course leaders and other volunteers.
If you have a passion or special interest and would like to share it with others, please consider becoming a course leader.
If you enjoy being part of the U3A community and feel you would like to give something back to the organisation, please consider offering your time and or skills as a volunteer.
U3A relies on all members’ voluntary efforts to function efficiently. Course leaders are a cornerstone of the organisation. To assist them we ask those who aren’t leading to assist in setting up for the courses, helping with morning and afternoon tea and helping those who are a little older and more frail. Help also is required with the multitude of tasks associated with our “Special Events” such as our General Meetings. We know that those with disabilities are limited in what they can contribute, but a willingness to participate is assumed on application for membership.
In addition, assistance is needed for various administrative duties, as well as participation as a member of our Management Committee.