
U3A Southern Highlands usually offers more than 60 courses, activities or events in each school term.

We offer courses and activities in a wide range of interest areas. 

To enrol in a course or activity, you must be a financial member.
Information on how to become a member is available on the Membership page.

Generally, classes run for about two hours and financial members may enrol in as many as ten courses a term. A course may consist of a single class or multiple class sessions, or it may run weekly or fortnightly for a few weeks or for the full term.

Download our Course Booklet for a pdf document containing descriptions of our courses on offer for the current term, arranged by day of the week and time of day, in the same default sequence as they appear online.

Alternatively browse the course lists in our online membership administration system with options to filter and sort courses in many ways, such as by course category (e.g. Arts, History, Science). Refer to Current Courses for instructions. 

Before you enter your enrolment requests online, choose your desired courses from the Course Booklet or online course lists. You can browse the range of courses but you need to be a financial member to enrol in courses.